'American Horror Story' Cast Naomi Grossman Prettier After Playing Pepper? John Caroll Lynch's Twisty The Cllown Still Makes Headlines

American Horror Story
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"American Horror Story" cast Naomi Grossman claimed that she gets more compliments on her looks now after playing Pepper, as John Caroll Lynch's Twisty the Clown is still making headlines.

In an interview with Salon magazine, "American Horror Story" cast Naomi Grossman said that she was never told she was pretty "until I played the ugliest person on TV.

"I kid, of course. My agent and manager were concerned about my decision to go bald. They feared I would look like Pepper. I was actually slightly insulted by that! It takes two makeup artists working feverishly for three hours for me to look like Pepper!" she quipped.

She also said that she likes being bald particularly since it was really hot when they filmed in July.

"American Horror Story" cast Naomi Grossman also said that she didn't really find the series scary when she was shooting her scenes. Unlike some people who were really freaked out by Twisty the Clown, played by John Caroll Lynch.

"One of our freaks brought her 8-year-old to the premiere, who couldn't handle Twisty. Which is odd, since she knows him personally. But I guess when they add music and cut it all together, they drastically increase the scare-factor," she added.

Meanwhile, Press Herald reported that Twisty the Clown clearly overshadowed all the rest of the characters in terms of creepiness.

"American Horror Story" cast John Caroll Lynch also explained the challenges of playing Twisty.

"I knew that the character was going to be primarily silent and that was a challenge. I knew the character, most of his face was going to be covered and that was a challenge. It's like if you were boxing and somebody said, 'We'd like you to fight that guy, but we'd like you to fight that guy just with your feet and we'll tie your hands behind your back.' I would say no to that challenge, but I said yes to this one," he said.

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