Disney Robin Hood Movie The Strategy Went Well For Pirates Of The Carribbean, Lone Ranger And Narnia! Will They Buy The Hood Franchise?


Two months ago, A word have already broke out about Sony Pictures' plan about Hood a "Shared universe" take on the legendary folklore hero. As it seems, Disney is gearing up for their own visit to Sherwood Forest as Deadline have reported that the studio has acquired a well-written script from Brandon Barker, Titled as Nottingham & Hood, Barker's take might be like Disney's Pirates of the Carribean and the outlet recommends the early plans are to similarly spin it to a multi-film franchise.

Disney is not an alien to the tale of Robinhood, In 1973, Walt Disney Animation Studios released an animated feature film version of the story being set in anthropomorphic animals. Its filmic history goes back significantly further. However, When the film is about to be released and have its most-awaited birth, Percy Stow's "Robin and His Merry Men. A 1908 silent film is the first documented basis adaptation with numerous additional versions followed  throughout the next generation and beyond. Errol Flynn started in Micheal Curtiz's 1938 Technicolor adaptation, The Adventures of Robinhood. and while character take might be the most popular up to this time, the likeness of Sean Connery, Kevin Costner, Rusell Crowe and may more have done what they can do separate Flynn's metaphorical arrow.

Alex Haineman from The Picture Company and Andrew Nona are both attached to be the producers of Nottinghom & Hood with Foster Driver and Tendo Negenda for Disney.

So are you a hardcore fan, maybe a Robin hood supporter? This might a real good news to you. You might wanted to see another tale adaptation of your fave, Correct? Although no date and concrete plans has been unveiled, Maybe getting too excited might promote jeopardy so for the time being, Patience should be always acknowledged with virtue, as everybody is babbling about. 

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