Five Spine-Tingling Dramas To Start Before Halloween

Moon Geun Young
So Ji Sub
Gong Hyo Jin
Lee Hong Ki
Kim Jae Wook
So E Hyun
Park Bo Young
Jo Jung Suk

The days before Halloween are the perfect time to start watching a scary or supernatural k-drama. Here's a list of some dramas designed to inspire thrills and chills.

  1. "The Village - Achiara's Secret." While promoted as a mystery thriller, this drama is actually pretty scary. The drama has plenty of shadowy moments that seem inspired by the horror films of Alfred Hitchcock. Everything is sinister about the village Moon's character moves to. Everyone seems to be guilty of a crime or at the very least hiding something incriminating. And Moon Geun Young does a good job of looking terrified. She has horror film experience, having appeared in the classic scare story "A Tale of Two Sisters."

  2. "The Master's Sun." If you like scary entertainment with a heavy dose of romance, this is horror rom com is a classic. Starring So Ji Sub and Gong Hyo Jin, it's the story of a woman who is tortured by her visions of ghosts and the man who can stop those visions with his touch.                                                              

    The problem is that he wants nothing to do with her. It's easy to identify with the terrors faced by Gong Hyo Jin's character as some of them are pretty creepy.
  3. "Bride of the Century." The ghost is one of the best characters in this  drama, which stars Lee Hong Ki and Yang Jin Sung. Lee plays a chaebol whose family is haunted by a curse. The bride of the first son has died for the past 100 years.

    The ghost of his father's bride haunts the family looking for the next victim. But she's gotten a bad rap and is not as bloodthirsty as some would like you to believe.
  4. "Who Are You?" Do ghosts shadow those they love after they die? That's what happens to the detective played by So E Hyun. She's got Ok Taec Yeon helping her solve crimes and her ghostly love, who trauma forced her to forget, following her around.

     Kim Jae Wook plays her ghostly lover, but he's not the only ghost that wants to talk to her.
  5. "Oh My Ghostess." Ghosts are notorious for getting the living in trouble as they try to achieve what they could not do in real life. So, what if your ghost is a virgin? That's the premise of the romantic comedy "Oh My Ghostess."

    Kim Seul Gi plays the ghost that possesses the shy aspiring chef played by Park Bo Young and forces her relationship with the chef played by Jo Jung Suk.

Do you have any favorite scary or supernatural k-dramas? Let us know.

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