Jung Hye Young and Sean Celebrate Ten Years Of Affection

Jung Hye Young

Actress Jung Hye Young and her husband singer Sean celebrated the tenth anniversary of their wedding by taking photos for the magazine "Elle Bride."

Not only did they dress up in designer clothes from the likes of Vera Wang  and Gucci but they posed for the wedding photos with their four children, Ha Eum Ah, Ha Rang, Ha Yul and Ha El.

The approaching anniversary prompted Jung Hye Young to think of their  wedding and how happy she still was to be married to her husband.

"Even after 10 years I am lucky to say that I am still in love with my husband. It is a blessing and I am truly thankful."

The couple also spoke about how they raise their children.

"Instead of focusing on making each individual child happy, we focus on making a happy environment where all the children can equally thrive," she said.

One of the keys to creating a happy environment is to be very affectionate and let their children know how much they love them.

"This morning as we woke them up, we told them 'blessed, I love you."

It's not the first time they praised their children publicly.

On an April broadcast of Good Morning, Sean sent a message to his children "Ha Eum Ah, you are your dad's first daughter, you came to me with the thrill of being your dad's first child. My second child Ha Rang is a very handsome and dependable hyung, and you also take after your mom. You are so handsome so your dad is always proud. My third child Ha Yul is a child who gives happiness to everyone. My fourth child Ha El is the last piece of the puzzle to the perfect family that I've dreamed of."

On that broadcast he thanked his children for coming into his life.

"Ha Eum, Ha Rang, Ha Yul, and Ha El, you are so precious and a gift to me. I hope that you'll be presents that give many people happiness. I love you and always remember that God blesses you. I hope that you live following God's word. I love and bless you."

Jung Hye Young, who has appeared in dozens of dramas, was last seen in "Playful Kiss" and "Gu Family Book." She also appeared in the 2013 film "Man on the Edge."

The couple is well known for their charitable activities. They have sponsored100 children in developing countries through the Christian charity Compassion Korea. They also lead the Happy Family campaign, which funds wedding ceremonies for couples who can't afford their own. 

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