Jurassic World Spoilers: Judy Greer Reveals Her Role In The Movie! Will She Get Attacked By The Mutated Dinosaurs? She Says, ‘I Can’t Say That’

Jurassic World
Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park 4
Judy Greer
Colin Trevorrow
new dinosaur
Bryce Dallas Howard
mutated dinosaurs
mutant dinosaurs

We already know who were included in the "Jurassic World" cast, but not much spoilers were revealed from these actors and actresses. Chris Pratt, who stars as Owen, is probably the only one who loves spilling out details about the movie. However, there is still limitation to what he reveals. One of the supporting cast members finally shared details about her role in "Jurassic Park 4".

Judy Greer, who recently starred as Cornelia in "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes", did some scenes for "Jurassic World". IMDb listed down her role in the fourth installment of "Jurassic Park" as a park visitor. That sounds more like an extra, right? However, the 39-year old actress revealed what her real role was during an interview with I Am Rogue.

Are you ready to hear some "Jurassic World" spoilers? Then continue reading on. Judy Greer revealed, "I play Bryce Dallas Howard's sister." When asked if it was just a small role. She said, "Small but poignant." The star of "Arrested Development" was also asked if she had interaction with any dinosaurs. The actress replied, "I can't say that."

Judy Greer tried not to reveal some major "Jurassic World" spoilers, but her refusal to answer clearly shows that she had in some way involved with the dinosaurs. Will she get attacked by the mutated dinosaurs that Colin Trevorrow was talking about? Or worse perish from those beasts?

During an interview with Slash Film, the director talked about the new dinosaurs. He said, "We were hoping audiences could discover this on their own, but yes, there will be one new dinosaur created by the park's geneticists."

Trevorrow explained, "The gaps in her sequence were filled with DNA from other species, much like the genome in the first film was completed with frog DNA. This creation exists to fulfill a corporate mandate-they want something bigger, louder, with more teeth. And that's what they get."

The filmmaker also said, "I know the idea of a modified dinosaur put a lot of fans on red alert, and I understand it. But we aren't doing anything here that Crichton didn't suggest in his novels. This animal is not a mutant freak. It doesn't have a snake's head or octopus tentacles. It's a dinosaur, created in the same way the others were, but now the genetics have gone to the next level."

What do you think of the latest "Jurassic World" spoilers?

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