Seo Tai Ji, 8th Album: 398 Days, Rated G After Review

Seo Tae Ji
8th album
Atomos Part Moai

On the past 26th, Movie Rating Organization has said, we have reviewed the movie, Seo Tai Ji Record of the 8th [398], and we have decided that it can be viewed by all ages.

Now, it is possible for the fans to visually see the production behind Seo Tai Ji's album, Atomos Part Moai, which was released in 2008.

This movie, has information such as the behind story of the 8th album project. The movie puts special emphasis on the production of the album "Atomos Part Moai" but there are information about the other albums, 'Atomos Part Secret', released in early 2009, and 'Seo Tai Ji 8th Atomos' which was released later that year in July. There is a huge focus on the fact that this movie will release Seo Tai Ji's every day life because normally they are very exclusive and covered away from the media.

Before this movie came out, there are been a few films released which is a documentary on how the Moai music video came to be and another film showing the live tour of Seo Tai Ji's band.  

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