Ji Chang Wook Revealed His Ideal Type of Girl "Someone Who Is Comfortable And Fun"

Ji Chang Wook
ideal type
Five Fingers
Midnight TV Entertainment

Actor Ji Chang Wook revealed his ideal type of female recently on a program.

Ji Chang Wook appeared on the SBS entertainment program, 'Midnight TV Entertainment,' on September 5th and revealed, "I don't have an ideal type of female, based on their physical appearance. I like a person that is comfortable to have a conversation with, someone that I can connect with, and someone who is fun."

Ji Chang Wook added, "I am only saying that I don't have a specific type that I like based on their physical appearances, but I'm not saying that I don't look at the physical appearance at all," and made the surrounding people laugh. 

Ji Chang Wook then revealed, "when I went to school, I would maintain and usually rank 5th place in my studies. I studied the worst during my 3rd year of high school."

He then stated, "I changed my direction of interest to the play and movie major. I changed that during my 3rd year of high school. I then heard that they didn't look at grades. So I didn't study. I eventually fell to last place from ranking 5th place. 

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