Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime Vs. HTC Desire 616: Which Smartphone Stands Out? Check The Head-To-Head Comparison on Design, Display, Camera, And Hardware!

Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime Vs. HTC Desire 616
head to head comparison
head to head flagship comparison
specs comparison
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mobile phones

Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime vs. HTC Desire 616: Both are decent phones but which one carries better specs and features? Read the head-to-head comparison to find out.

Checking the dimensions of each smartphone, Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime is bigger than HTC Desire 616 - 5.70 x 2.84 x 0.34 inches vs. 5.59 x 2.83 x 0.36 inches. It is also heavier by 6g - 156g vs. 150g.

These phones have the same screen size at 5.0 inches. Grand Prime, however, has lower display resolution than HTC Desire 616 - 540 x 960 pixels (with 220ppi) vs. 720 x 1280 pixels (with 294ppi). They are also identical in display features - light sensor and proximity sensor. Yes, both handsets have no anti-scratch coating so users should be careful. 

Both units have 8-megapixel camera and single LED flash. Because Grand Prime is a selfie phone, it is not surprising that it has better front-facing camera than HTC Desire 616 - 5 megapixels vs. 2 megapixels. Users can enjoy taking selfies and group selfies more when using Grand Prime.

Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime vs. HTC Desire 616: Grand Prime is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 8916 and includes processor of quad core, 1200 MHz, ARM Cortex-A53, 64-bit while HTC Desire 616 is equipped with 8-core, 1400 MHz. Now, you know which one works better in terms of performance.

In terms of system memory, HTC Desire 616 has 1GB RAM while Grand Prime has 1024 MB. As for the built-in storage, HTC Desire 616 has 4GB while Grand Prime offers more at 8GB.

Grand Prime allows expansion of storage of up to 64GB using microSD, microSDHC, and microSDXC. HTC Desire 616, on the other hand, can only take maximum storage of 32GB using microSD and microSDHC.

Grand Prime offers longer talk time - 17 hours - compared with HTC Desire 616's 14 hours.

Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime vs. HTC Desire 616: Basing on the head-to-head comparison above, take your pick. Which one do you think is worth your investment?

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