'Dragon Ball Xenoverse' Cheats: 100% Drop Rate On Parallel Quests Glitch! Get Every Skill, Clothes, Items And Z-Souls In PQ's In One Attempt

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New “Dragon Ball Xenoverse” cheats were recently discovered as the most prominent one is a glitch that allows you get every single skill and item in a parallel quest in a single attempt thus making the drop rate equal to 100%.

According to Cheats For All, the following “Dragon Ball Xenoverse” cheats require you to have finished the story mode of the game.

To do the 100% skill and item drop rate glitch, simply go to the multi-lobby and start the final battle with Demigra. After Demigra is defeated, immediately quit the battle and start a parallel quest. Make sure to get an Ultimate Finish to get every single item and skill you can get in that particular parallel quest.

Meanwhile, Youtuber RhymeStyle has found a way to grant you invincibility in the game via a glitched z-soul called “Bwahaha… Thanks for the Energy”.

The glitched “Bwahaha… Thanks for the Energy” z-soul allows you to instantly regain all of your health back should you hit your opponent.

You can get this z-soul by following the guide by General Keey Gaming below, keep in mind that the following “Dragon Ball Xenoverse” cheats only work in the console version of the game.

In a previous report we mentioned that PrimaGames revealed their tutorial on how to get to max level quickly in their "Dragon Ball Xenoverse" cheats tutorial.

PrimaGames stressed that you have to finish the story mode and unlock all the parallel quests for these "Dragon Ball Xenoverse" cheats, tips and tricks to work.

"The first time you level up a character you won't have access to all of the Parallel Quests to help you level up. Your best bet is to play through the main story missions by speaking with Trunks and making your way through the portal in the upper right corner of the Plaza of Time in Tokitoki City. As you complete story missions you'll unlock Parallel Quests that you should also play through," wrote PrimaGames

PrimaGames then continued, "By the time you've completed the main story mode and all of the Parallel Quests, you'll be very close to the level cap if you haven't already reached it. It's a long process, but you only have to do it once. After completing the story missions and Parallel Quests the first time, every other character will be much easier to level up."

And now, to easily get to the max level in "Dragon Ball Xenoverse", PrimaGames notes that:

-Take your newly created character and play through Parallel Quest #53.

-This is arguably one of the easiest quests in the game and it nets you tens of thousands of experience points based on the rank you receive at the end of the mission. For most players it should be difficult to earn a rank of at least B, which will give you about 30,000 or 40,000 experience points. At level one that's enough experience points to get you up to level 15 or even as high as level 20 if you rank high enough.

-The quest asks you to collect three Dragon Balls, and gives you Broly as opposition. Collect the first Dragon Ball and you'll get some help that will keep Broly occupied while you collect the other two. Head back to the time machine to complete the mission. When everything is said and done, it should take less than one minute to complete the quest.

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