Thor News: New Female Thor, Who Is The New Goddess Of Thunder? Marvel Still Keeping Her Identity As A Mystery!


This week in a comic book horde hath questions, Thor is becoming a woman.

How does that work? But the most important mystery on any maven mind of Marvel is, who is the woman to have the power of Thor? Is she worthy?

 Njolnir, become the Goddess of Thunder adter the kraka-thoom, when Thor #1 was revealed.  According to Aaron, during an interview with Mashable, "It never started with the idea of, 'Hey, let's change Thor and we'll figure out later who that is.  It all started with the idea of 'Yes, let's make the existing Thor unworthy, and go from there.'"

Although, the mere mortals weave in knots in the presentation of Thor, he added, "That's the part that I'm excited to get to.All this buzz about the change and the mysteries is all cool, but if I didn't have the story, it would be a house of cards. It's somebody we know. It's not going to be a 'brand new' character we've never seen before. It'll be someone from Thor's corner of the universe. If you look at the supporting cast that I've built up around him over the last 25 issues, a lot of those characters are female, and have been around for quite awhile. You've got a fair share of suspects."

Marvel's decision to make Thor a woman was sleeted with everything from raspherries to huzzas, with most of the centered negativity in the inevitable son of Odin would regain his mantle someday. That may be the truth, but from the perspective of Aaron about this character, this is not easy.

So what do we call the old Thor in the meantime?

"That question will be answered in the pages of the books, in terms of what he's called what she's called," Aaron said. "She doesn't just pick up the hammer up and say 'Call me Thor.' ... I'll answer that when the two of them come face-to-face."

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