Tomorrowland Movie Disney: 'What Hogwarts Is To Magic, Tomorrowland Is To Science' Writer Says; See Amazing Photos Of Futuristic Disney Film Starring George Clooney Here!

Tomorrowland Movie Disney

The movie is expected to be unveiled in an even more detailed manner at the upcoming Comic Con in New York, but today two photos have been released to excite moviegoers even more. The film we are talking about is the Tomorrowland movie from Disney. This film is a Brad Bird (The Iron Giant, The Incredibles) and George Clooney collaboration , and it reportedly all about science and all its possibilities.

Writer and producer Damon Lindelof (HBO's The Leftovers) recently spoke with Entertainment Weekly about what this new Tomorrowland movie from Disney is all about. And in his quote, he used a Harry Potter analogy. "What Hogwarts is to magic, Tomorrowland is to science. They are both easy to find if  you are a wizard and very difficult to find if you are a Muggle."

Three new images from Tomorrowland were released on Entertainment Weekly's website, as well as details of the Tomorrowland movie plot. The movie stars Britt Robertson (Under The Dome),  plays teenager  Casey Newton, who unexpectedly discovers a pin  that transports her to Tomorrowland. According to Lindelof, Casey "Still believes in this amazing future [even when she is] being fed a steady diet of dystopia."

"There is a piece of technology in this pin, it's the kind of old-school pin you would wear on your lapel, and when you make physical contact with it, you have the illusion of being physically transported to another world, and that's how Casey gets her first glimpse of Tomorrowland," Lindelof added. "She is a Muggle who accidentally wanders across Platform 9 ¾ and sees something she probably shouldn't have." 

 In trying to learn more about this mysterious new place and the pin that brings her there, Casey meets Frank Walker, played by Monuments Men star George Clooney. Walker is an old, reclusive, failed inventor in the Tomorrowland movie from Disney. He is described by Lindelof as "a guy who is retreating when something didn't go well."

According to director Brad Bird, the movie's main theme revolves around the question: "What's good about the future and what's scary about it? And we wrestle with those things in a slightly mythical way."

See the cool, futuristic photos of Tomorrowland movie from Disney here!

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