Star Wars The Force Awakens Cast: Darth Caedus To Be Played By Adam Driver Confirmed As Two Actors From Raid 2 Added In The Film Rumored


Star Wars fans will be surprise once they learn that the Director JJ Abrams added two more actors in the film.

Everyone's eyes are on Star Wars: The Force Awakens in 2015; the film was both our most foreseen of the year, and additionally the film that fans voted generally expected.  J.J. Abrams has no little test in front of him, shutting breaks inside the fanbase made by George Lucas' prequels, while additionally needing to draw in another era  of a shared universe.

Star Wars 7  trailer surely kicked it into high gear, portraying abstruse new characters and a  new light saber that has had the buzzing from. Abrams and company proceed with the creation of the film, have an inquisitive bit recently throwing news - throwing that could address the style of activity which Abrams  bringing to the Star Wars universe.

Same report says that the 4th (anonymous) actor, from The Raid is in the film, and those **possible Spoiler** as the martial artists will be killed.  A minimal part in the film - , for example, whether they are playing real characters; taking care of trick or combo for a percentage of the character actors.

They were fight scenes which were pressed with emotional dialogue and character improvement, instead of superhero stunts.

The prequels (like the Episode I Darth-Maul final fight - or the Yoda battles in Episodes II and III) it was clear Lucas, was more concerned with pushing into  "wire-fu" style of battle that was came in the late '90s/early '00s Asian motion pictures. The absolute part in the adventure) eventually felt more empty than the less of advanced duels of OT. Hopefully, Abrams and Co. will make Episode VII the important substance it needs so that the epic  fight successions - some of them evidently including a portion of the best onscreen martial artists of the most recent ten years -  such a profound depth.

Its really amazing that individuals have perceived what executive Gareth Evans, Iko Uwais, Yayan Ruhian was the group behind of  The Raid franchise.

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