Bae Doona To Star In Another Wachowski Film To Be Shot In Korea

Bae Doona
Jim Sturgess
The Wachowskis
Cloud Atlas
Jupiter Ascending
A Girl At My Door
The Matrix

Korean actress Bae Doona has already worked with "Matrix" producers Lana and Andy Wachowski twice and she is now in talks to appear in a third Wachowski project that will be filmed partly in Korea.

The as-yet-untitled film will begin shooting in September and is already in pre-production with both an American and a Korean team.

In Korea, it's the same production company, Mr. Romance, which worked on Korean filming sites for the Hollywood film "The Avengers." Mr. Romance is developing a reputation as the go-to production company for international companies eager to film in Korea.

There is no word yet on what the film story will be.

Bae Doona previously had roles in the Wachowski films "Cloud Atlas" and "Jupiter Ascending."

In "Cloud Atlas," Bae Doona played several roles, including that of a clone. The film's story showed how individual characters affect destiny. Her co-stars were Tom Hanks, Halle Berry and Jim Sturgess, whom Bae Doona recently admitted to dating.

In "Jupiter Ascending" Bae Doona plays a bounty hunter. Her co-stars were Mila Kunis, Channing Tatum and Eddie Redmayne. The science fiction story, described as an "epic space opera," is set in the future when families own planets for business purposes. The film was due to be released this summer but the production date has been pushed forward to 2015.

The Wachowski's, best known for their mega-hit film "The Matrix," had their first TV appearance on a Korean television show. They discussed growing up watching anime and reading Asian novels. At the time they said they would like to return and work in Korea.

Bae Doona is said to have taught the Wachowski's some Korean and they now use the word "daebak."

Bae Doona recently appeared in the Korean film "A Girl At My Door," which was selected for the Un Certain Regard section at the Cannes film festival. In that film she plays a police officer trying to protect a young girl from her abusive father.

At the festival he said that she was happy to return  to Cannes with a Korean film. As she was last there for a Japanese project, Bae Doona can truly be described as a global actress. She first attracted international attention when she appeared in Bong Joon Ho's monster flick "The Host."

"Being exposed to different production environments in Korea, Japan and the U.S. was a great experience, and each system allows you to quench your thirst in a different way," Bae told the Hollywood Reporter. "I'm not partial to any system, but at the same time I'm a Korean actor so I expect to work mainly on Korean projects."

She described Korean films as being very improvisational and having an "anything can happen" atmosphere. Maybe some of that "anything can happen" atmosphere will inspire her next project for the Wachowski's. They are already known for making some fantastic fantasy-filled films.

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