Yoon Eun Hye To Film Park Shi Hoo’s Wife In “Love After”


Actresses Yoon Eun Hye confirmed her role as actor Park Shi Hoo's wife in the film "Love After," which is a collaborative film between the Chinese and Korean production teams. Actresses Yoon Eun Hye's agency confirmed on Sunday that actresses Yoon Eun Hye will play the main female character in the film "Love After." Actor Park Shi Hoo will play the main male character in the film.

"Love After" is a romantic melodrama that tells a story of a man and a woman who are used to receiving love realizing the importance of unconditional love. Yoon Eun Hye's agency said, "Actresses Yoon Eun Hye has received so many love calls from the Chinese film production companies. The international fans are excited at the news of actresses Yoon Eun Hye filming a movie in China for the first time." Actress Yoon Eun Hye and actor Park Shi Hoo will start filming the movie with the movie production team in Jeju island in November, and also film in Beijing. The film "Love After" will premiere in China and Korea simultaneously later next year.

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