Clash Of Clan News: A Confession Of Mom About Her Addiction To The Video Game


Is there an instance you can't find a time to talk to your child because he's playing this highly addictive game in his iphone with his friends?  Or, were there any cases that you got interested in playing this game too? Well that's undoubtful because people keep playing this game even up all night just to protect their own village.

 Clash of clans is an epic combat strategy game with eye-catching graphics and effects.  This game requires vigilant thinking, deep planning and a wise management when it comes to resources. Players must build a village from scratch which he has to look after from enemies with the help of his army. On the other hand, to boost the security of the village and skills player has to join with other players to form an alliance and that's where the "clan" is formed. Then when all is set, players will attack other players to earn rewards that will help them to get advantage in their position and skills.

Being a COC addict of course has positive and negative effects on players especially on children or students. For example, your child will sneak off in bathroom while studying for his exam just to check his village. There might also some sudden change of mood when your enemies upgraded their defense higher and stronger than what you have. You spend days planning and even pulled an all nighters for an attack and strategies rather than focusing on work or studies. And especially you've lost some actual social life hanging out with your friends because you just decided to have gadgets as your new buddy. But on the other hand, fans of COC hyped about the virtues they learned while playing the game. Like, exerting effort, time and patience to achieve something you've wanted. Another one is creating a team beside you as well that can help you grow more as an individual.

People might have concerns about this game but of course it depends on the situation. At the end of the day the key in playing any game not just COC is playing them responsibly not allowing games to interfere your normal life and leads you to bad things and habits especially to young ones.

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