Park Hae Jin Appointed as Honorary Ambassador of Chinese Foundation

Park Hae Jin

Hallyu actor Park Hae Jin was selected as the face for the “TGC Culture Fund.”

His agency, WM Company, confirmed the news on February 20th, saying, “Park Hae Jin was selected to present 'TGC Culture Fund' as a request from Chinese textile manufacturing association and Z holding.”

The actor is the first and only Korean artist to be selected as an honorary ambassador for TGC, which is ranked at the top 10 in foundations in China, which contributes to Chinese fashion and culture sponsoring.

The actors said he was happy and felt responsible to do a good job presenting the foundation.

Park Hae Jin will attend a girls fashion held by Z holding, to help raise funds at the Northern Arc resort in Kitamishi, Hotkaido On March 9th.

Meanwhile, the actor will also star in new Chinese drama to be aired in 2014.

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