Agency Confirms Won Bin And Lee Na Young Are Dating

Won Bin
Lee Na Young
celebrity couple

They may have tried to hide it but now everyone knows that actors Won Bin and Lee Na Young are dating. Reporters from the media source Dispatch outed the couple, after tracking their every move for months. They reported the couple meets every few days, was seen in the same location eight times in the past month, and spent days together at a time.

Usually, the actor who starred the dramas "Autumn in My Heart" and "Friends" and the films "Man From Nowhere" and "Mother," drove to Lee Na Young's apartment in Budang. Reporters said he moved quickly, always wary of being followed, but apparently he was not fast enough to avoid detection. He also dressed very casually and wore sunglasses and a baseball cap, but reporters still managed to recognize him.

Sources close to the actors say the couple met in 2011 when Lee Na Young joined Eden 9, the same talent agency Won Bin is signed with. The actress most recently appeared in the dramas "High Kick Through the Roof" and "The Fugitive: Plan B," as well as the films "Howling" and "Lady Daddy."

Although initially neither the actors nor their agency would comment on the relationship, the agency finally confirmed that the couple was indeed dating.

They did, however, want to correct rumors that the couple had been dating for a year. The agency said that over time the actors became close as colleagues and friends and only recently began dating.

Both actors have been very guarded about their private lives, making fans even more curious about them. When the agency confirmed the dating news, so many fans visited the websites belonging to Won Bin and Lee Na Young that it caused the sites to crash. In general netizens approved of the couple and said that if he left the dating market, it might as well be with someone nice like Lee Na Young. Many netizens were surprised that a newspaper managed to find out anything personal about Won Bin, as he has been so good at dodging rumors.

Only one celebrity commented publicly about the couple dating and she was not pleased. Sandara Park of the group 2NE1, who has admitted having a crush on the actor and even publicly invited him to attend a 2NE1 concert, sent out a tweet with a crying cartoon figure to show just how disappointed she was.

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