"A Piece of Your Mind" Finale: Seo Woo and Ha Won Find Peace + Ready to Start Anew

A Piece of Your Mind
"A Piece of Your Mind" Finale: Seo Woo and Ha Won Find Peace, Ready to Start Afresh (Photo : Twitter, Instagram)

Ha Won expressed his pain to In-Wook by letting him now that through his silence, he suffered a lot. He had been searching for the reason of his mother's passing that he lost track of his life. 

Ha Won left Ji Soo's letter that contains her earnest feelings to In-Wook. She was in pain because In-Wook lived with regrets. Ji Soo stayed for her husband to be his strength, but In-Wook took it for granted.

Seo Woo felt sad knowing that Ha Won's unrequited love for Ji Soo took him a long time to realize. She felt sad all along that Ha Won spent his time and energy on Ji Soo, yet he wasn't the one she fought for.

Min Jung chose to live near the sea and find a job to start over again. Eun Joo and Jin-Soo bid farewell and told her she could visit and eat good food with them in the future. Min Jung lost her only daughter with an illness. She works hard and seldom visits her to save for their future. It was too late for her to regret things and fall into depression.

Going back to Eun-Joo's place and reliving her life and her feelings during her younger years (the 20s) creates new courage and reborn herself again. Over a short period, she begins to smile and get along with other people.

Seo Woo now felt torn between Ha Won and Ji Soo. She wanted to get rid of the Ji Soo device, but guilt takes her heart into pieces. She wanted to tell Ha Won, yet it may hurt him for losing Ji Soo once again. 

In-Wook had the last time to express his feelings about Ji Soo. Ji Soo device allowed him to create and respond to its own emotions. She requested to listen to In-Wook's voice. She asked Seo Woo to get rid of her and thanked her for all the help.

Seo Woo is more confused about what to do with Ji Soo's device and Ha Won's feelings. She asked Ha Won to give her time to be on her own and think about what she wanted to do.Ha Won agreed to her decision and only reminded Seo Woo to call him right away. 

In-Wook's April recital performance was a success. Soon Ho came back to the studio and wished to work with In-Wook in his future projects. She studied acoustics and learned to manipulate the computers for her future work. In-Wook felt happy to see her again.

Min Jung was surprised to see and hear an AI box that sounds like Seo Woo. When she double-checked it, the way it responds and thinks all resonates with Seo Woo. The company made it successful by making more AI devices.

Seo Woo endured to take away her feelings of uncertainty and fear towards Ha Won and was thinking about Ji Soo. Eun Joo took care of her and comforted her as time went by.

Ha Won went back to Oslo and visited his mother's grave and Ji Soo. The fear of seeing the place where all good memories happened brings a smile to his face. Ha Won has recovered and overcame his painful past. He is now ready to start a new chapter in his life. 

Seo Woo, on the other hand, returned and stayed at Ha Won's house. She called Ha Won and shared that she is now at peace with herself and the things around her. Ha Won was happy to hear Seo Woo's voice. 

Ha Won returned to Korea and met Seo Woo at his house. She, who has been waiting for him, was pleased to see that he is back.   

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