NVidia Released GeForce iCafe 340.72; Help Improve Profitability of Internet Shops

geforce icafe
driver update
graphics card

Major computer graphics manufacturer, Nvidia has just released yet another video package dubbed as GeForce iCafe 340.72. The driver package comes in a 32-bit variant, and it’s compatible with different Windows operating systems, including XP, 7, and 8/8.1 platforms.

This latest driver update brings enhanced features intended for the Final Fantasy title, also adds the producer’s Espresso Self-Saving Technology, which enables Internet café owners to provide the best gaming experience to their customers, while allowing optimum profitability.

With this new technology, it automatically enhances the processor as well as the graphic card’s power efficiency by up to 60%, without compromising the computer’s overall performance.

More than 90% of the Internet café owners consider NVIDIA graphics cards as the best solution for its outstanding capability to support next-generation games. This means that they don’t have to worry much about the units graphic cards to become outdated very easily.

As for the compatibility of the driver package, this new update can be applied on most of NVIDIA’s products, however the new Espresso technology is only available for the producer’s GeForce GTX 760, GTX 750 Ti, GTX 750, GTX 660, GTX 650 Ti BOOST, GTX 650 Ti, and GTX 650 units.

As for installing this package, simply make sure that your system configuration complies with the 340.72 update, save and run the needed package to be downloaded on the computer, and follow the onscreen instructions for a comprehensive and successful update.

In addition to that, if not requested by the setup upon completion, don’t forget to perform a manual reboot in order to make sure all changes take effect properly.

With that in mind, internet café owners can get the NVIDIA GeForce iCafe Graphics Driver 340.72 online, and simply apply it on the system. They can also set the auto-update on to make sure that the hardware can still support later games in the future.


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