Chris Evans Girlfriends List: Get To Know The Confirmed And Unconfirmed Past Loves Of Captain America!

Jessica Biel, Sandra Bullock, Kate Bosworth - who else made it to Chris Evans' girlfriends list?

In an interview with Glamour magazine last March, the 'Captain America' star admitted that he's already thinking about settling down after realizing that he parties too much.

"I want to get married, though I want children-to me that's the ultimate thing," he told the magazine.

Could he possibly be thinking about that with crush Sandra Bullock?

Rumors have been circulating that the 'Avengers' actor has been pursuing the 'Gravity' star for a while now. Sources say they're very close but have not put a name to the relationship yet.

Whether they end up together or not, he'll definitely take this experience as something to look back to in older years.

He told Glamour, "When you're old and on your death bed, looking back at your life it's not going to be the films you've made or what you've accomplished, it's the relationships you have."

Browse through the Chris Evans girlfriends list gallery to find out which confirmed and rumored past relationships he's talking about.

chris evans girlfriends list
chris evans girlfriends
Sandra Bullock Chris Evans
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