Preggy Kourtney Kardashian Aims To Break Internet By Posing Nude

kourtney kardashian pregnant nude pose
Kourtney Kardashian
Kourtney Kardashian du jour
du jour magazine
Kim Kardashian

Another Kardashian aims to break the internet! 

After Kim Kardashian's nude photo pose for Paper Mag, now her sister Kourtney Kardashian will try to break the internet by posing nude photo. What's something new about her nude pose? She pose nude while she's preggy.

Kardashian reality star is currently pregrant with her third child. She decided to show off her nude body for the cover of Dujour Magazine

Kourtney was asked by the magazine, "So you're not self-conscious as a pregnant person?" 

Her answer, "To me, nudity is not something to be ashamed of. I'm not embarrassed of my body. I'm at my best when I'm pregnant. It's such an amazing feeling, the transformation that your body goes through. There's something about that that's so empowering and beautiful and I just really embrace it."

The magazine also asked her, "How do you hope people will react to these pictures?"

She said, "I don't know. It's what a woman's body is made to do, so I hope it's maybe seen as something that's artistic. This was something that initially I did for myself just to capture the moment in my life, but these photos are beautiful and I'm happy to share them. And I like how raw they are. It's my body: I'm not trying to impress anybody or be something that I'm not. But in general, I don't really care that much about what people think. It doesn't rule my world. I did this because I wanted to and it made me happy."

Then the last question, "Would you sit for a nude portrait if you weren't pregnant?"

Her answer, "I would never say never, but I don't think so, no. What appeals to me is celebrating the shape of my body being pregnant and capturing that time in my life. I wanted to do something that felt authentic to me rather than being pushed in a certain direction by somebody else. The appeal was to be involved in something I would say I had more control over than other photo shoots. No one telling me this is how you're going to look and how you're going to pose. It's a wonderful thing to be able to show my children these photographs one day and say, "This was you inside."" 

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