The Secret to White and Flawless Underarms Like Your Favorite K-Drama Actresses is Revealed!

virgin coconut oil
coconut oil
(Photo : Son Ye Jin)

Do you want to achieve those white and flawless underarms like your fave Korean drama actress? Then you should read this article! You will be surprised to discover that this item is just around the corner.

For some people, dark underarms can be a source insecurity and embarrassment. If you have dark underarms, you will not fully express your fashion sense because you will prevent yourself from wearing sleeveless tops, wearing bathing suits in public, and even participating in sports.

Having dark underarms can result in a lack of confidence and self-esteem. And, sadly, you cannot fully express yourself because of it. If you are having this kind of skin problem, then fret not; this is something that can be solved using natural remedies.

Are you curious as to what causes dark armpits?

Well, there are several potential causes for armpits becoming darker, here are some examples:

  • deodorants and antiperspirants (chemical irritants)
  • shaving (irritation and abrasion)
  • dead skin cell accumulation (lack ofexfoliation)
  • friction (tight clothes)

Do you want to know the solution to lighten the underarms naturally? Simple! This item is just around the corner. It is Virgin Coconut Oil! Are you surprised?

ALSO READ: Korean Actresses Reveal Facial Oil as Their Beauty Essential + Steps for DIY Coconut Oil Facial Scrub 

(Photo : Coconut Oil)

Yes, its virgin coconut oil. A lot of people nowadays opt to use the natural approach to armpit lightening. There are natural remedies advocated that suggest that virgin coconut oil is a natural bleaching agent, and it has been tested and proven by many. Surely, this skincare routine is widely used by our favorite Korean actresses since it is very natural and can be done at home.

Virgin coconut oil keeps the skin moisturized. One effective way to lighten skin is by keeping it nourished and moisturized. We all know that virgin coconut oil has a high content of Vitamin E, which helps the skin restore lost moisture. So if you have dark underarms, you should keep your skin smooth and supple first, then the brightening will follow. Virgin coconut oil also has bacteria-killing properties and can reduce underarm odor.

Plus, the anti-inflammatory content of virgin coconut oil can lessen inflammation brought about by different skin ailments. There is a confirmed study that the use of virgin coconut oil can reduce eczema and psoriasis.

How to apply? Here's how:

You can apply a few drops of coconut oil onto your armpits then massage it, let it stay for about 15 minutes and then wash your armpits with lukewarm water and mild soap. Repeat these steps two to three times a day. It's an effortless routine, follow this, and you'll achieve those flawless and white underarms like your favorite Korean actress in no time!

If your dark underarms aren't the result of an underlying condition needing medical treatment, talk with your doctor about some alternatives for lightening underarms.

READ MORE HERE: Lighten Dark Spots on Your Face by Using Coconut Oil 

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