Taylor Swift on Emma Watson UN Speech: The American Singer-Songwriter Admits To Understanding Feminism Now; Who Among The Country’s Pop Stars Give A Not-So-Good, Uninspiring Statement About Feminism?

Taylor Swift on Emma Watson UN Speech
Taylor Swift
Emma Watson UN speech
emma watson feminism
emma watson
Lana Del Rey
Lady Gaga
Katy Perry

Taylor Swift said that Emma Watson's UN speech will help young girls understand feminism, which, for the "Harry Potter" star "is not man-hating".

In a recent interview with French-Canadian talk show "Tout Le Monde En Parle", the singer said, "It just simply means that you believe that women and men should have equal right and opportunities, and to say that you're not a feminist means you think men should have more rights and opportunities than women. I just think a lot of girls don't know the definition, and the fact that Emma got up and explained it I think is an incredible thing, and I'm happy to live in a world where that happened."

Swift added that Emma Watson's UN speech helped her understand feminism more. "I wish when I was 12-year-old I had been able to watch a video of my favorite actress explaining in such an intellectual, beautiful, poignant way the definition of feminism. Because I would have understood it. And then earlier on in my life I would have proudly claimed I was a feminist because I would have understood what the word means."

Who among the stars today do not understand or who did not give an impressive answer when questioned about feminism in their previous interviews? Read on.

Lana del Rey said in an interview with The Fader last June, "For me, the issue of feminism is just not an interesting concept. I'm more interested in, you know, SpaceX and Tesla, what's going to happen with our intergalactic possibilities. Whenever people bring up feminism, I'm like, 'God, I'm just not really that interested'."

Katy Perry's statement about feminism during the Billboard's Woman of the Year award ceremony also created a fuss - "I am not a feminist, but I do believe in the strength of women."

And now, it's Lady Gaga's turn - "I'm not a feminist - I, I hail men, I love men. I celebrate American male culture, and beer, and bars and muscle cars..."

Did you just fall off your seat?

As Taylor Swift changed her views about feminism when she heard about Emma Watson's UN speech, will Lana, Katy, and Lady Gaga follow?

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