'We Got Married' Kwanghee-Sunhwa Pool Date?

We Got Married

Sunhwa and Kwanghee attempted some romantic physical contact.

Sunhwa and Kwnaghee played in Julian Kang's pool on Saturday's episode of MBC "We Got Married."

Kwanghee, who was on the tube, told Sunhwa to get on his back and she got on top of him and said, "Aren't we getting too close to fast?" The atmosphere was becoming more romantic but Kwanghee soon fell in the pool, unable to sustain the weight.

Sunhwa tried to get out of the pool to get towels and Kwanghee tried to lift her up like Julian Kang but failed also.

Sunhwa complained, "To be romantic, we need physical contact but we don't have any of that." Kwanghee attempted the lift again and succeeded.

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