ZOMBIE MAMMA'S DRAMA REVIEW: Hyde, Jekyll and I Episodes 17-18

Hyun Bin
Han Ji Min
Hyde Jekyll and I
multiple personality disorder

You know, I went into these next two episodes with quite a few expectations and I have to say, I'm a bit surprised that not a single one was met. That's not so say I'm disappointed in the way things went this week, because I wasn't... Not really... Well... Hmmm... Maybe a little? I guess more than anything, I'm just a bit confused and I'm not really sure I like where things seem to be headed.

When you come to the next-to-the-last week in a drama, you typically expects things to fall so spectacularly to pieces that you're left wondering how the heck things are going to be resolved in a week. (Or at least I do.) So when I sat down to watch this week's episodes of Hyde, Jekyll and I I was convinced Ha Na was going to run away, Seo Jin and Robin were going to be left trying to find a way to integrate and that was pretty much going to be it. To find that nothing happened the way I was expecting has totally thrown me off but I'm okay with that. I just wish things between Ha Na and Seo Jin weren't so ridiculously drawn out and complicated. (Which, I suppose the complicated part is to be expected, seeing as how she's fallen in love with a man with DID.) When Seo Jin confronts Ha Na, on the roof, after she drags him away from the reporters, I wanted to cheer. Finally someone is forcing Ha Na to consider the possibility that she has feelings for Seo Jin but her quick response made me want to chuck that girl off the roof! Ha Na! What the heck are you thinking!?! I get that everything Seo Jin said to Ha Na, about her being loyal to one man and not feeling it's right to love another (even if they are one and the same), and I love that Ha Na is so very loyal but c'mon! Everyone in the whole entire world can see that Ha Na cares for Seo Jin, except Ha Na and her paltry ponderings simply aren't good enough! What Ha Na needs, more than anything, is to sit down and look at this whole entire situation from a more objective perspective, taking into consideration everything she's ever seen, learned or experienced about relationships and love, and then apply all of that knowledge to her own life. I think then she'd realize she cares more for Seo Jin than she ever thought possible but we all know that's never going to happen because when's the last time any of us applied objectivity to our own circumstances? Hmmmm...

While I'd love nothing more than to see Ha Na and Seo Jin live happily ever after, there's so much more to their story and it's as complicated as heck. Having Robin around has been a source of conflict from the very beginning, not just for Seo Jin but for me as well. I've loved him from the moment I met him. I mean, how can you not love such an adorable man? But as wonderful as Robin is, the fact that he's not actually his own individual self makes it very hard for me to cheer for him. Even now that he's experiencing all the things in life that he's only ever dreamed about and things are going so well for him, I find myself crying more than I am celebrating because I know this can't last forever. Even with Ha Na's brilliant explanation of how Seo Jin and Robin are one and the same, there's no way these two can survive like this forever. Robin's very existence is proof that Seo Jin is sick and that poor man needs to heal more than Robin needs to exist. (Ugh! It absolutely kills me to say that!) Honestly, this whole multiple personality things has me so conflicted at the moment. I love that Robin and Ha Na are enjoying some quality time together and I love that Ha Na and Seo Jin are getting along better than ever but not a single one of them seems to be truly happy and that's what kills me. Even as Robin and Ha Na are celebrating Robin's achievements, there's this underlying sadness between them because they both know this isn't going to last forever. Eventually someone is going to give, one personality is going to take over the other and the question is, which one will it be?

I'd be a liar if I said I didn't have any theories on how things are going to play out with Seo Jin and Robin but there's no use in diving too much into them when everything's going to be resolved in the next two episodes anyway. Instead let's talk about Seo Jin's rotten cousin and how satisfying it is to see all of his efforts to bring Seo Jin down, fail miserably. Yes, yes. I know. I'm a horrible person for celebrating the utter defeat of Ryu Seung Yun but I'm okay with that. This man has been a nuisance since the very first episode and I love that all of his scheming has backfired so spectacularly there's no way he's ever going to recover. Shoot, he's sunk so low even his conniving girlfriend has decided to ditch him and to her I say brava! I'd love nothing more than to see this poor sucker kicked to the curb and left to wallow in all his own self-inflicted misery for the rest of forever but maybe that's going a bit too far...

While I'm in such a celebratory mood, I may as well celebrate the official beginning of Woo Jung and Eun Chang's relationship. Those two are such an adorable pair, I love that they're finally able to give their relationship a go. I have to applaud Woo Jung for being mature enough to let Robin go and I like the way this was done. After loving Robin for so long, it would have been weird if Woo Jung suddenly forgot about him and moved on with her life. Having her grieve her loss and accept Ha Na as a worthy woman to take her place at Robin's side made this whole thing seem much more real and I liked that. I also liked the way Eun Chang handled Woo Jung's obsession with Robin. He accepted Woo Jung's feelings for Robin and never once made them seem silly or insignificant and he never forced himself on the girl he loved. He simply stayed by her side as a friend and let her come to him when she was ready. The little cutie! Woo Jung is a very lucky woman indeed, to have a sweetheart like Eun Chang by her side.

It's obvious that things are wrapping up in this drama as all the little side stories seem to be coming to a close but the real question is, how are things going to resolve between our OTP? There still seems to be a lot of confusion and conflict here and I can't really see how things are going to come to an end. I'm still guessing Ha Na is going to disappear at some point and when she and Seo Jin are reunited, she's going to find him a different man. Not in a bad way, mind you, just different. My guess is Robin and Seo Jin will find a way to integrate into one single person and when Ha Na returns, this is who she's going to find, a Seo Jin laced with Robin, if you will. My guess is, it's going to take her some time to get used to this new version of the two men she loved but she'll adjust and they'll find a way to live happily ever after. Of course this is only my prediction and there's no way of knowing what's really going to happen so, like always, all I can say is, I guess we're just gonna have to wait and see.

So tell me, were you happy with the way things worked out this week? Do you like the way this story is wrapping up? Do you have any predictions you'd like to make as to how this one is going to end? You know I always love hearing from you so be sure to let me know what you're thinking by leaving me a comment below!

Content courtesy of Zombie Mamma - originally posted HERE.  

Any opinions expressed are not those of KDramaStars, but are the ideas of the writer.

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