Is Yewon Responsible For The Low Ratings On ‘We Got Married?’

Lee Tae Im
We Got Married

On April 12, the trending topic in Korean real-time news was a report which attributed former Jewelry member Yewon (Kim Yewon) for the steep drop in ratings for “We Got Married.” According to an article published by TV Report, the April 11 episode of the variety show recorded its lowest ratings ever, bringing in only 3.1% of viewers nationwide.

Yewon recently joined the cast of “We Got Married,” as the virtual wife of Super Junior-M’s Henry. There have been continuous calls for Yewon’s removal from all variety shows, in response to the growing sentiment that she betrayed the trust of audiences in Korea.

She has been at the center of controversy, after video clips were leaked on March 27 which depicted a verbal altercation between the star and actress Lee Tae Im. The alleged incident occurred in February 2015, during the film of the variety show “My Tutor Friend.” Yewon was previously viewed as the victim of verbal bullying from but the leaked video provided contradictory evidence. Lee allegedly cursed at Yewon, who denied using information language.

As a result of the accusations delivered by Yewon, Lee Tae Im was removed from “My Tutor Friend” and voluntarily departed from the drama, “My Heart Twinkle Twinkle.”

The 28-year-old actress delivered an apology to Yewon, after eyewitness accounts which were published by the Korean outlet, Dispatch. However, the leaked video segments depicted Yewon as the instigator in the situation, as she used informal language with the older actress.

The April 11 episode of “We Got Married” continues to provide a light-hearted approach to the virtual relationship between Yewon and Henry. When she experiences pain from wearing heels, he displays compassion and offers to rub her feet. Audiences, including CNBLUE’s Kang Min Hyuk, were slightly disturbed when Yewon responded to his kindness by smelling his feet.

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