'Selfie' Cancelled By ABC! Low TV Ratings Were The Culprit!

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abc tv show
abc cancelled show
selfie tv ratings

Confirmed! TV show "Selfie" has been cancelled by ABC.

The first show that ABC network cancelled was "Manhattan Love Story." The reason why ABC cancelled the romantic comedy show is the TV ratings.

Manhattan Love Story's last episode that aired was titled "It's Complicated," which only garnered 2.62. 

Same thing goes with "Selfie." According to TV Line, the network will not push through the second season of the freshman comedy. The last episode's TV ratings only garnered an average 3.5 million viewers and an 0.9 demo rating.

"Selfie" is also a romantic comedy. Its first episode titled "Pilot" garnered 5.31 million US viewers. However, the following episodes have just maintained the 3 million or more US viewers.  

According to Inside TV, the numbers of remaining episodes of a cancelled show "Selfie" is unclear for the moment. ABC only said that the the comedy will be aired next Tuesday and their holiday specials would be photo-bombing "Selfie's" slot throughout most of December.

The publication said that the show was mocked heavily by viewers on social media. It has also been EW readers' choice for the most likely the first cancelled show of the fall.  However, the comedy show which starred by Karen Gillan and John Cho also had its share of defenders who liked the direction of the show, particularly after its first episode.

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